Bently Bearings CTO Drew Devitt takes another look at the Super Critical CO2 Externally Pressurized Porous Gas Bearing Test Core. Drew explains the process of testing and measuring lift on thrust faces with an electronic indicator. To measure lift, weight was placed axially on the spindle assembly while the bearings were fed air pressure. A total of 140 pounds of weight were supported by 1.48 square inches of bearing surface area with 300 PSI of input pressure resulting in approximately 100 PSI of unit loading.
This equipment has been donated to the Turbo Lab at Texas A&M. Professor Adolfo Delgado will be presenting a paper at this year’s Super Critical CO2 Symposium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Bently Bearings by New Way Air Bearings will also be at the Super Critical CO2 Symposium in that is taking place Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square. The Symposium will run from March 27, 2018 to March 29, 2018. More information about Bently Bearings can be found online at here. More information on the Super Critical CO2 Symposium can be found online at this link.